Die Dynamik der Automobilindustrie mit ihren aktuellen Herausforderungen wie Globalisierung, neue Wettbewerber und eine Diversifizierung des Angebotsspektrums stellen hohe Anforderungen an das Management für Ihre Tochtergesellschaft in China dar. Sich im Wandel befindliche Rahmenbedingungen erfordern eine ständige Weiterentwicklung der beruflichen Kompetenzen. Um in diesem Marktumfeld auch langfristig erfolgreich zu sein, steht der Aufbau von Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten im Fokus.
Die Automotive Practice von Ginkgo Search Partners besteht aus Personalberatern mit langjähriger Automobil- und Chinaerfahrung und vereint diese mit dem Know-how hochqualifizierter Neuzugänge aus verschiedenen internationalen Executive-Search-Beratungen. Die Kombination aus Branchenkompetenz und einem tiefen funktionalen Wissen aus den Bereichen Executive Search und Management Consulting qualifiziert uns auch für schwierige Herausforderungen. Im Fokus unserer Arbeit als vertrauensvoller Partner des Topmanagements stehen immer der Klient sowie dessen Mitarbeiter.
Unsere Automotive Practice unterstützt Automobilhersteller, sowie deren Zulieferer und Vertriebspartner dabei, das Kompetenzprofil des lokalen Managementteams auf Zukunftsthemen wie Elektromobilität, selbstfahrende Autos und Carsharing auszurichten. Unser integrierter Beratungsansatz sowie unser vielfältiger Erfahrungshintergrund in der Automobilindustrie, gepaart mit einer hohen Einsatzbereitschaft unserer Personalberater, ermöglichen es uns, die spezifischen Probleme unserer Auftraggeber gemeinsam mit ihnen zu lösen und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit nachhaltig zu steigern.
Unser Beratungsspektrum ist in vier Segmente untergliedert, welche durch erfahrene Branchenexperten mit einschlägiger Executive Search Erfahrung in China betreut werden. Dabei unterstützen wir Sie von der Suche und Auswahl von Führungskräften in China bis hin zu maßgeschneiderten eignungsdiagnostischen Lösungsansätzen.
Ginkgo Search Partners Automotive Practice Group successfully concluded an executive search mandate to recruit a Plant Manager for an international automotive supplier in China. Our retained client is a global player in the automotive and commercial vehicle industry and specialized in developing and manufacturing automotive interior systems and seating components for offroad vehicles, trucks, buses, and trains. Our client served some of the major international premium OEM brands, including Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, and Daimler.
If someone had told me that China would become one of the most powerful automotive forces just a decade ago, I would have laughed it off. Seeing where they are now and how far they’ve gotten, one has to wonder if anyone can stop them. It’s not just Chinese aftermarket suppliers. The Chinese have become so good at making OEM cars that they’re no longer copying the Western car brands just to stay in contention. They’re taking the lead with their own unique original ideas and concepts. Well, unique to a certain extent at least.
On April 25 the 14th Beijing Motor Show opened its doors to the public. The event is held every two years on an annually alternating basis with the Shanghai Motor Show and is one of the largest international automotive shows in the world.
This year's Beijing Motor Show put a spotlight on sports utility vehicles (SUVs). There is an increase in demand for large cars in China with automakers now talking about increasing space and the number of people that can fit into an SUV.
The smart car industry has become the new battlefield on which traditional car manufacturers and Internet companies are competing. One of the latest players entering the arena was announced in January last year when LeTV, best known for its streaming video platform held a press conference themed "Redefine the Future" in Beijing to announce the appointment of Lu Zhengyu, a former Managing Director of Asia & Oceania Operations for Infiniti, as Vice President for the newly established Leshi Super Electric Car Company, a subsidiary of the LeTV Group. In summer 2014 LeTV reportedly made a joint investment with the domestic carmaker Beijing Automotive Group (BAIC) into the American company Atieva, which is the design and engineering company for Tesla’s Roadster.
Which technologies are affecting future mobility? Will new vehicle concepts stand up to traditional cars? How are automotive value chains shifting?
These three questions are affecting not only the automotive industry but also the new players changing the automotive world. The key to new and successful products on the market is the cooperation between large and medium-sized companies as well as scientific institutions. Hence innovative companies are looking for creative routes to new solutions more and more.